As a private company we also conduct serious environmental work through the development and improvement of our own business operations. The goal is to use as little energy as possible and ensure that any negative impacts on earth, air and water are kept to a minimum.
Warrior Minerals will through its environmental work strive towards achieving an ecologically sustainable development within its field of operations. We will purposefully endeavor to reduce any negative impacts on the environment and support and pursue further development in this direction.
This will be achieved by:
- Paying close attention to the environmental perspective, both regionally and generally, in our decision making processes.
- Increasing knowledge and awareness of environmental issues within the company by continually discussing and giving consideration to environmental aspects within our business operations.
- Maintaining close interaction with our customers, suppliers and other interested parties on matters concerning environmental issues.
- Utilizing the most eco-friendly technologies within the company to the greatest extent possible.
- Carefully monitoring our energy usage and striving to keep it to a minimum.
- Minimizing the negative effects on the environment by streamlining and choosing environmentally friendly methods of transportation.
- Engaging in internal environmental work that results in continuous improvements.
- Abiding by existing laws and regulations and promoting a positive development within this area.
On a global perspective, recycling has had a strong impact on the environment through reduced interference on nature due to the raw materials being utilized several times thus saving natural resources and allowing an energy-efficient production of new products. Our business activities are governed by an operating management system consisting of a quality, ecological and labour environmental management system.